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Hello, I'm Ash Ketchum, My Dad's Name is Kevin Ketchum, I'm half Unovanese and half Napayonese. I am 10 years old, My Birthday is on 06th of February 2002. I Love Misty and Misty loves me, but that you will know if you read the Pokébook about us. I will marry Misty one day and then we will have 5 childrens! I'm cool but not so clever like Misty!



Hello, I'm Misty Narokko, I'm Napayonese, I am 10 years old and I make Birthday on 10th of May 2002. I Love Ash so much, I'm very timid but Intelligent. I Want to have All Water type Pokémons of the World. We Love each other, our family still don't know about that, one day we must tell them the truth! Ash wan't to marry me one day and we wanna have 5 Children, Lots of work we have to do! But its Ok!

Bye guys love you all! <3




 The girl with the blond hair is Nikki, Mistys friend, she is 11 years old. The Girl with the red hair is Fenney she is 11 too. Both are Mistys friends.

Hello, If you just know I'm Misty Narokko, in the first season of Pokébook you will see me with this hairstyle. a short hair of course. I will have this Look in all episodes of the first season.

I'm Gary Oak, I'm born on 07th of July of 2001. I'm 11 years old, and read the Pokébook to know more about me


My Grandpa is Prof. Oak, yeah I'm famous!

I Will go to the Pokémon League, Now I don't know how much I can tell about me, I'm Napayonese, allthough I have an Unovanese-Name indeed. I will choose Bulbasaur as a starter-pokémon.

I'm Ash Ketchum, My Dad's name is Kevin Ketchum but he isn't always present. I'm 10 years old and my Birthday is on 06th of February of 2002.


And this Teddy is for Misty, she loves Teddies, and I Love her, but I dont know how to tell her my feelings.

Hello there! Its Misty and Ash again, We are just dating right now. And we have been together, our relationship turns really serious, we have plans for our Future! So that's my new look when I'm in johto.

And Ash looks the same way, but he's cool <3


I Love his cool Pokémon he will caught in johto.

Please read the Pokébook, it will be great

yeah just talking to fill up the Speakballoon, lol

In the second season we will speak like teenagers.

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